Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

440 Sions Eleg:n.• My foes more fierce than empty Lions are; # for hungry Liqns, woo'd with tears, will fpare~ l!.L E G. 2o. 'l]SurpingGentilu rudely hav~ engrofi: _ · Into their hands thofe fortunes we have Iofl~ Devour the fruits that purer hands. did plant, Areplump and pamp'red with that bread we want; And (what is worfe than death ) a Tyran treads - Upoq. our Throne ; Pagans adorn their h~ads With our 1oft Crowns ; their powers have disjointed The members of our State, and hea¥ens Anointed Their hands hav.e crufhr, and.ravitht from his throne, And·made a flave for flaves to tread upon : ·Needs mufi that flock oe f'Cattred and accur{t, .Where wolves have dar~d to feize the fh~pherd firft. E,l.EG. ~·· T 7i.T Ax fat with laughing ( Edom ; ) wit_h glad ey$ V \i Behold the fulnefs of our miferies ; Triumph (thou Typeof Alltichrifl:J and fe~4 Thy foul with joy, to fee thy brothers feed Ruin'd, and rent, and rooted from the earth, Make hafie and folace thee withearly mirth: But there's a time fhall teach thee how towe~p As many tears as I; thy lips as deep Shall drink in forrows Cup, as mine have done Till then chea'r up thy f pit:its, and1augaon ~· pffended Jufl:ice often !hikes by turns: Edom, bewar~, for thynext p~ighbour burn~. Z LEG:. 22. "yE drooping fons of Sion, 0 arife, · _ ~nq fhut the fiQod-gares ofyoJlf flowing eyes, . , • A S~rcca(~ /