Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

448 Funeral Bleg;u; . For he is dead, wbofe Soul did never ceafe To crofs and violate your malicious peace; He's dead ; but inhis death bath overthrown . Mo~e vices, than his happy life had done: In Itfe,he taught todye; and he did give, . , In death, a great example how to live: . Though he be gone, his fame is le~c behind : Now leave thy laughing, Envy,and be pin'-d.- ELEG. 7• F~reweJI th6fe eyes, whofe gentle fmiies forfookl No mifery taught Charity how to look: . Farewell thofe chearful eys, that did e'rwhile, . Teach fuccour' d mifery how to blefs a fmile ·: · Farewell rhofe eys, whofe mixt afpett, · oflat~.,· Did reconcile humility and fiate : Farewell t hofe eys, that to their joyful gueft Proclaim'd their ordinary fare a feafi; ·Farewell thofe eyes, the Ioad-fiars, late, whereby The Graces fail'd fecure, from eye to eye: Farewell dear eys, bright Lamps; 0 who can tell Your glorious welcom; or our fad far~well ! EL E G. 'J. G 0 glorious Saint ! t knew 'twas not a fhrine . -of fie!h, could lodge fo pure a foul as thine ;· f faw it labour ( ih a holy fcorn . Ofliving dufi znd a{hes _; to be fworn ' AHeavenly ~irifl:er : It figh'd and groatr'd To be diffolv'd frommortal, and enthron'd Among his fellow-Angels, there to fing Ferpenaal Anthems to his h~avenly King: , He was a firanger to his houfe ofClay; · Scarc~own'd i-t, but that neceffary flay, Mifcall'd