Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

FUI'leral Elegiu. A.nti ma~( it tive in rpight ofdeath and duft, Were tHere ~0 other-heaven, nQ Qther truft. He is nq~ dead,the facredNine deny, . · The fodl ~hat mc:rits fame, fh()uld ever die: He Jives ; and when the lateft breath offame· $hall wan~·her trump, to glorifie a name, He _fhall furyi~t, and thefe.t«lf-clofed eyes, T)lat now lie flumbring in tke dufi fhall rife, ' ~ud fill'd with endlefs glory, fh~H enjoy The perfelt vifion ofeternal joy. . 4)1 . EL E G. 14. . , . · 0 But tne dregs offtefb andblood /howclore . . :they·grapple with ~y foul, _and interpof~ . Her higher thoughts ; wh•c;h, yc;t but young of wmg, They cauf~ ~o ftoop and firik~ at.every thing ; Paffion prefents befote their w<:akned eye; ' Judgment and I?etter Reafon fianding by! I mufi Iam~nt, Nature commands it fo : The more 1firive :with tears, the inore they flow; Thefe eys have ju.fl:, nay,doublrz 'caufe ofmoan. They \feep the common Iofs, they weep their owrl He fleeps, indeed ; then give me leave ro weep Tears fully an(werable to his flee,p. 1 ELEG. i). PArdon.nr.y tears, if they be to.o too free, ., ,And if thou canft not weep, I?Ie.pardon thee,~ :Dun Sroick; if thou laugh to hear his death, l"Ie weep, that t,hou werr born to ipend that breatti Thou dry-bra:in'd Portick, whofe Ahenean breft (Tranfcending paffion ) never was opp·rerl:. ,with grief'; 0 had' your flnity sea but loft ' So rareapr-ize, as we 1at;nent andboafi, . . . , Your hearts had croft your Tenet, · and qisbltrti As many d~iops as we have done, or burfi:; No marvel that your marble brains could crof5 Her laws, that .never gave you fuch a lofs. G i ~ £ L·E_.G.