Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

~,}-.un~rt~l E!egiu. 4) ~ · Or that exceeds not natures faint commiffion, . Or dares (u~vent~d) ~ome .to compofir_ion; ·, · · 0, may that .rear m firifter Judgement nfe. · · 'Againft thofe falfe,thofe faint, thofe flattering eys. . .E L EG . I 9. j · , . . . \ THus to the world, and to the fpacions ears Of fame, I blazon my unboafi:ed tears: ·. Thus to thy facred Dufi:, thyUrn, thy Herfe I confecrate myfigh~, my tears, my Verfe; Thus to thy foul, thy -name; thy juft defert I offer up my _joy, my love,- my he~rt; . That earth may know, and every ear that hears, . True worth and griefwere parents to my tears ; That earth may know thy Dufl, thy Urn,.t~y Herfe, Brought forth and bred my fighs,rny tears, myVerfc; And that thy foul, thy name, thy jufi dcferr, , Invites, incites my joy, my ~ove, my heart. · EL E G. 20. l] Nconfl:ant earth! Why do not rnortlls ceafe_ - To build their hopes upon fo fhorr a Leafe ?– Uncertain Lmfe, whofe term but once begun, Telfs nev-er,when it ends, till it be done: We dote upon thy fmiles, not know~ngwhy r And whiles we but prepare to live, we dye : ' .. · We fpr ing, tike flowers for~ dayes delight, At noon we ftourifh, and we fade at night: We toyI for Kingdoms, conquer Crowrts,and t~en Wl! that were gods but now, now lefs than men : IfWifdorn, Learning;Knowledge cannot dwell Secure from change, vain Bubf?l~J!,~rth, far~we.ll. ELEG.2r • • wou!dfl: thou, when Death had done,deferve a fiory Should fta,in the memory of great l'ompey.r glor.y_; Conquer thy [elf,example be thy guide, · · I . Die juft, as -our [elf-conquering Ailmer dy'd. G g 3 · Wouldft /