Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

To n1y Honourable and ·Dear· Friend, SirW-lLLI AM LVCKLN, ··BAab·NEl\ SIR, To whfH'» C'"! thffe £.eave.r owt themfolvu, I lut yuu ? whofe the Author is; And to . . whbm .the blejfe4 life and death of thu Sainted Lt?d) hath been, and is (to my ~owleJge ) a religious and continued meditiJtirm.She r:rM ypurs: and the terms ·whereon you p.--zrted-withher, WAS no ill l 1 argain. HPlving a dou~le intereft ( aflJ, in that, ,z treble blef!ing) for ·more than tweliJ.t yellrs, couldy.;u e:~ptll lefr, than to lr:fe the Prin_. cipal? Bnt Almighty G 0 D hath Jhown him._ Je/f fo graci(ju; a Dealer, that we loe~for ex·– traordina.r} Penn)'•worthJ at his bountiful Hand. l:oHt' wifd.om /zlUJW.S~ prt~iJicctf/_1 thttt OUr -Ajftft·j..; om m~Jl k._eep Jiience, when hii ff'ilt's the Spea– k!;r: He k_r}ew her fiJter for Heaven, than E.wths~ ' tmd therefore tran(pl(mttd h£r. He f,~tnd her [11/1 r~pe t~nd th~refor; g.11hered her. I prefenc . llh.-(b -