Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

.it~ Eltf.J· 4~f And help to btar the burthen ofthy ftory : 0, heres a Subjefi that fball for~e and teat The ·Portalsofan Adamantine ear ; Yet fooner break a heart,perchance,thanb~oach at~ar:.. s.. HAd f'he beenonly that, which ferves to!aife The name of woman to a common hetght : Had fhe been.only that, which, now ad_ays, . With fome allo-wance makes perfelt,onW~l&ht ; She had deferv'd her fbarc ofcommon praifc, Perchancc,and had been,priz'a aboucr he~ Ra~., But fhe was All, her fubftancc had no fcum Shewas,a perfea·~inteffcncc, i:a whom ,.. · All others Items met, ana madeone total fum. 9· JN Birth, her Blood was Noble; In her life, Severdy Pious ; fweet inConverfation ; A happy Parent, and a loyal Wife; . In words, difcreet; DiTine in C.ontemplatton : Slow to admit, apt to compofc a fi:rife-: Secret in alms, and full of mild compaffion ; Potent and free in Canaanl Oratory; In lifeand deatb a rare felelted fiory; In life, a Saintin Grace; in death, a Saint inGlory. • 10. JJ"':,,Nowiedge thatof~en puffs the fpuhgy brain, • .1~Gave her rhe treafure ofa lowlybreft .; · Wi1dom, that once abus'd, turns trap and tra:n, ~uil~ in hq fimpJe heart the Turtles neafl ; . -R;~h~s, that cloath t1e brow with proud difdajn, Madeher appear f.u leffer, than the leaft; . She had true kn1wledge,wifdom, wealth> in which Sh'enj .')y'd her God, his glory was }lerpitch; True Kno~;\ ledge made her Wife; ~rue V{if~om made . ' ,. . (her Rich. · Hh~