An Elegy; · I~. SWeet (oul, .forgive the Treafon ofmyPen, Which makes thyState.the fubjelt ofa rear . Andwith falfe whinin£ kills thee once agen; • Forgive our folly, or d!fdain. to hear: T~ouart an Angel, we, alas, f?ut men, I • our words are non-fenfe in rhy purer ear: We crawl below, while thotdir·fi crown'dabove Fill'dwith tbe peaceofheav'ns Tri-une Jehovc; .Yetin our childith tears accept our childfh love. : ' 19 THou fit'ft attended with thofe heavenly bands, That bringour tyding~ .to th' Eternal Thr~me : Thyblood-wafht foul, now views and underfiands That glorions One in Three, that Three in On.e ; To th·fa(e protellion ofwhofe f;!cred hands, Thygafping lips convey'd rheir Jateft groan : . Thou feeft thofe glorious pertons, whereun~e · Thydying breathdid render, and befl:ow The careof thy dear Spoufe,&Babes, i£ th' Infant too. 20 UNdoulttedpeace, and fempirernal joy Refts thy fair fou1 in eYerhifiing blifs ; Compar'd to thine, how I contemn this Toy! This life, and all this filly Wor~d calls, Thts! At all adventures, may rhofe h~nds convey My foul (which carried thine where rhy l'oul is z Blefi heir of life, iffuch a thing could be, That heavens pear1PortaIs fhonld becloO.: to thee, What 1hoqld become ofman! wh~t fhould become of 2 t.• (me! VV prds call in words! <? fr~lJl this fruitful Theam, · As f~om a Spring, t1ou~s Ttlue forth; and meet, And fwell into a Sea:Srream joih.5 with tlream : Our _we~ry m1~b<:rs have-re~ain'd new f~et, Ap!Jbun$ m fi»fie mo;c: fit to, ~oad a Ream, Than I