~ ·.An E1r_ny., 4 7'1' ,.. 0 Than robe log'd within a flende.r {beet: , The thir{\:y foul , who(e trembling fingers tone~ The fwelling Bowl, may Coon tranfgrefs,and fuclt That ne'r can fpeak enough,may eas'ly fpeak toomuch. . . 2 2. . ·yEt one word ino e, and thenmy Q_uill and I · Will wooe Apollo, and beg leave toplay : Yourh, earn to live ; and deeper Age, to dye; This heav'n-ftedSttiiit hath fcor'd ye both,theway 1 Your Rule's above,but your Example's by; Heave·n fe ts not earrh f'uch Copies every day. Her virtues be your gu_ide ; They lie before ye; . So fhall ye add more honour to her ftory, And gain your fc:lues aCrown ; and &ain her Crown (more Glory. I