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snevidentprefismptions. Agaggagig0,44MIK411,M1780141M0111081.10 RY*111.980611001. 48.111111MilieroWM4.1110MIMIRMInof lath him Zapidem primaritem , the chiefe fione ; and aoaine 3 thouc, hChrifilaith hee,bee the Authorand mo- derator of his Church, yet the Princedome and Mo- narchic bee hathconfer'd upon Peter a; and thereforeas noman can lay any other foundation than that which is layd , namely Chritl, fo no man can lay any other than that whichChriil bath layd , namely Peter. And it is wonderful to confider what twigs and rufbes they catch at to hold up this their monarchy. b Becaufe Peter did preach fira , therfore he is Monarchofthe Church. Bywhich reaCO his monarchic is long fince expit'd,For his pretended fucceffors fcarce preach at all. And yet ifthat may bee drawer: to any argument , it proves ()tidy that bee was Lispisprinna, the&ft inorder and in forward- neffe topreach Chrifl (as it became him whohad three times denied him) but not Lapis prirmarito, thechicle in dignity, and jurifdialion over the reehand.why fhould it not beeas good anargument to fay that James had the dignity of precedence before Peter, becaufeTau/ firft names lames, and then Cephos,and that in a placewhere heeparticularly tingles themoutaspillarsand principal! men in the Church, as to fay that Peter hath jurifdiaion over lame, and the rail, becaufe in their Synods and af- femblies hee was the chide fpeaker ? c Becaufe Peter cured the lame man that fateat the gate of the Temple, therfore hee is univerfall monarch. By which reafon likewife Patel who in the felfe fame manner cured a creeple at Lyflra,(hould fall intocompetiti6 withPeter for his (hare in the monarchic. But the people there were not fo acute difputants as there ofRome,for though they lawwhatTaahad done, yet they concluded the dignity and precedence for Bartsab , they called him /opiter and Paul Mercury. Againe,becaufePeter d pro- nounced fentenceupon Ananias,therfore bee is monarch ofthe univerfall Church : and why Pali' ihould not here likewife come inTor his that; I know not , for bee G 3 alfo ,VaR SE I. ;. taoa nonau. det Bt stbs.Pre- terChrtfium (in- quit) non weft aliudfundamen- tumponi, quad fit Stemprima. rim &An. Ecclefise, 1.18. c. r. ob.c. a Situt (quad cerrttameflJnema /weftalit, dpa. nerefundamen. tam, pragerid quadpifitum quad eft Chri- rsi.; ita etiam nec aliud piamponet, quamquadpa. pit chriffus, neque convellet quadipfefirma- vit,dicesis,Tts es Petrus,&c. Ba- ron. 20. bBaron. .4.34. fea.247.Bovid de fignis Eccle- fue,14.18. cap. 1.2. Bellarm. de Roman. Tana- fice,lib.r. cap. I 7,2.5. C Baron. /61'16+ d Baroa.lbid. fet