86 VERSE I. Boron. Ibid. fect.27,F an.35.fea, 925'. Papall Monarchy raifidupon alfo paffed judgment upon Vim& the forester (and we no where finde that hee derived his authority, or had any commiffion from Peter to doe Co.) And furelyifby the. fame Apoflolicall and infallib:e Spirit of Chrifl, (which they both immediatly received fromChritl him. felfe) S. Pawl did adjudge Elirrsae toblindneffe, by the which S. Peter adjudged Ananias to death,I fee not how any logick from a panty of anionscanconcludea difpa- rity ofperfons, except they will fay that it is more mo- narchical! to adjudge one to death, than another CO blindneffe. Againc, becaufe Peter healed the lick by his fbaddow , therefore Peter is monarch of the tiniverfall Church : and even in this point Paul likewife may hold onhis competition for why is not the argument asgood that Paul is Monarch ofthe Church becaufe the hand- kerchiefs and aprons which came from his body did cure Oilcans, and ca[ out Dive's as that Peter is therefore monarch becaufe by the overfbaddowingofhis body the tick were healed ? But the truth is there is no more fubilance in this argument for 'Peters principality, than there is for their fuppored miraculous vertue °filings and relicks of Saints, becaufe the fhaddow (which was the image ofTeter) did beak the fick,for that alto is the Cardinals great argument. Againe, becaufe 'Peter was fent to Samaria to confirme them in the faith,and to lay hands on them that they might receive the holy Ghoti, and to confoundSimon Morgue the forcerer,therforthee is primate ofthe Catholike Church , and hath monar- chical! jurifdiaion. And yet the Pope is by this time fomething more monarchical' than Peter, for he would thinke skorne to bee fent as an Ambaffador of the Churches from Rome to the Indians , among' whoiii hisGofpell hathbeen in then latter ages preached ; and doubtletic they would bee fomething more confirmed than they are by the foveraigne vertue of his prayers and pretence. But alas, what argument is it ofmonarchie to bee