. inelnaentprefAmptlons, alawa aftwoome. wwwwr Vaawasovemeemp to be fent by others in a meffage, and that too not with- out an a ffociate , who joyned with him in the confir- mation ofthat Church? and iftheconfuting,or curlingof Simon Mae, were an argument of primacy , why fhouid not S.Patilscurling ofElima , and Hymenens, and Alexander,and S. Johns ofCertnthus be arguments oftheir prim3cie likewife ? Agairie, becaufe Pant went up to lerufalem to fee Teter, therefore Peter was mo- narch ofthe Catholick Church. And why should not by this argument Elizabeth bee concluded a greater woman than the virgin Marie ' and indeed the ladyof all woman, becaufe the bleffed Virgin went up into the hill countrie ofIudca , and entred into the houfe ofZ4- eharias and faluted Elizabeth? but wee Linde no argu- ment but ofequality in theText, for heewent to feehim as a brother, but not to doe homage tohim, or receive aurhorityfromhim asa monarch,elfewhy went henot up immediately to Ierufalem,but flaied threeyears, and preached the Gofpell by thecommiflion hee had recei- ved fromChrifl alone ? and how came S.Paulto bee fo free , or S. Peter to bee fomuch morehumble than any ofhis pretended fucceffors as theone to givewith bold- neffe, the other with filence andmeekneffe toreceive fo fore a reproofe in the face of all the brethren as many yeares after that did patfe betweene them. Certainly S.Paul in fo long time could not but learne toknow his &fiance, and in what manner to fpeake to hismonarch and primate. By thefe particulars wee fee upon what ' randy foundation this vaft and formidable Babel ofPa- pall ufurpation and power over the Catholike Church is ere&ed (which yet upon the matter is the foie prin- ciple of Rollin religion, upon which all their faith, worfhipand obedience dependeth.) But wee fay that as Peter was a foundation , fo were all the other Apofiles likewife,Eph.2.2o. Reve/.21.4. and that upon the fame reafon. For the Apofiles were notfoundationsof G 4 the VERSE I.