Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

\ PapallMonarchy raifedupon O VET. S E r the Church by any dignity oftheir perfons,as Chrifi the chiefe corner flone was, but by the vertue oftheir Apo. )(Joleneoffice , which was univerfa jut-edit:lion ingo- verning the people ofChrift,tmiverfall coinmiffion in in- flruaing them , and a Spirit ofinfallibility in revealing Godswill unto them throughout the whole world. And thereforeas Peter had the keyes of the Xingdome of heaven to remit or retaine the finnes ofmen; fo likewise had theother Apofiles, lob. 20.13. That Chrifis charge to Peter, feedmy ibeepePalmy lambes,is noother in fub.. fiance than his commiffion to them all, gee teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father , the Some and the Holy Ghtdi. And that the particular di- ruingof it unto Peter, and praying for him, was with refpea unto his particular onelv by way ofcomfort and confirmation , as being then a weakemember, not by way ofdignity , or deputation ofChrilis owne regal! power tohim in thevifible Church. For all the officesof Chrifi are intranfientand uncommunicable toanyother, in as much as that achniniftration and execution ofthem dependeth upon the dignity ofhis perfon, andupon the fulneffe of his Spirit,vvhich no mortal! manor itnmortall Angell is capable of. But all this is not enough tobee granted them for the raifing their authority. But then thirdly,we muff grant them too that Peter,thns qualifi- ed,wasBilhop ofRornefor proofe wherof they have no TefiimonieofHoly Scriptures , but one?), humane tra- dition , C,ui impoffibole non efi fosbeffefalfterri. So that in this which is one of the maitre principles they build upon , their faith cannot bee refolved into the word of God,and therefore is no divine faith. Fourthly,that hee did appoint that Church to bee the monarchical! and fundamental! fee to all other Churches; for hee was Bithop as well ofAntioch as ofRome by their owne confeffion. And I wonder why force of his perfonall venue :thould not cleave to his chaire at Antioch, but Betlartit. de 7Qm.Pontif lib.:. cap.1z. Baron. fea.16.26.