Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

R S E 1 godspatiencehathjxedhounds. fibility, by impudence and flourneiceof heart, by ma- king it a mocke, a matter ofglory and of boafling, by flopping the eare againfl the voiceofthe Charmer, and turning the backe upon the invitationsunto mercy, by ref-Aug the Evidence of the Spirit in the Word, and committing finne in the light of the Sunne : for as the heat of the funne doth wither the fruit which falls off, and ripen that which hangs on the tree; fo the Word doth weaken thofe lulls which a man is defirous to fluke off, and doth ripen thofe which the heart holds fail and will not part with. When was ifrael over- throwne, but when they mocked the Meffengers of God, anddefpifed his Word, and mifufed his Prophets, and reje6led the remedyof their fume ? and when was Juda defiroyed , but when they hardened themfelves againfl the Word , and would not take notice of the day of their peace ? Alas, what hafle doe men make to promote their ownedamnation, and to goequickly to hell, when they will breake through the very Law ofGod, and through all his holy Ordinances, that they may come thither the fooner, as if the gate would bee (hut againfl them, or as if it were a place of borne ' great preferment; as if they had to doe with a blinde God which could not fee, or with an impotent God which could not revenge their impieties. Well, for all this, the Wife mans fpeech will prove true at the la+, Know,that God willbring thee unto judgement. Thirdly,donec notes the infallible accomplifiwnent of Chritts victories and triumph over his enemies at the 'ail, when the day is come wherein he will bee patient towards them no longer. The Prophet giveth three ex- cellent realms hereofin oneverfe,Epv.3 3 .22.The Lord- is ourjudge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King, hee will fave us. Hee is ourjudge ' and therefore certainely when the day of triall is come hee will plead our caufe againfl our adverfaries, and will condernne them.