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The0blimacieofSinne. them,Mich.7.9. But aJudge cannot doewhat pleafeth hirnfelfe, but is bound tohis rule, and proceedeth accor- ding to eaabliffed lawes. Therefore he is our Lawgiver likewife, and thereforehee may himfelfe appoint Lawes according to his owne will, but when theWill ofthe Judge, and the Ruleofthe Law doe both confent in the putufhingofoffendors, yet thenhill the Kinghath a li- berty of mercy, and bee may pardon thole whom the Law and the judge have condemned. But Chria,who shalljudge the enemies of hisChurch according to the Law which himfelfe hath made, is himfelfe the King, and therefore when he revengeth, there is none betides nor abovehim topardon. Soat that day there (hall bee a full manifeaation of the Kingdome ofChria, none of his enemies fhail moue the wing,or open the mouth, or peepe againahim. The fecond thing formerlypropofed in this latter part of theverfe was, The Author of fubduing Chrifis ene- mies under his feet [1the Lord.] Wickedmen will never fubmit themfelves to Chrifis Kingdome,but hand out in oppohition againh him in his Word and wayes. When Gods hand is lifted up in the difpenfation of his Word and threatninoas againa fin men will not fee,Efai.26.ti. And therefore he faith, 014)fpirit Anewalwayesfirive withmen, to note that men would ofthemfelves alwayes flrive with the fpirit , and never yeeld nor fubmit to Chria. Though the patience and goodnefre of God fhould lead themtorepentance, and forewarns them to Bye from the wrath to come, yet they after their hard- nefre and impenitent heart dohereby treafure upagainfl themfelves the more wrath, and becaufe judgement is not fpecdily executed, their heart is wholly fet in them todoe mifchiefe. Letfavour,faitheic Prophet,he 'hewed unto a wickedman,yet will he not lenrne righteoufne in theLodof oprightnere will he dealeunjr Illy, nnd will not hboldthemetjeilyofthe Lord. Certainely ifa wicked man 95 VERSE I. oportet earn ad tantam evidez. ttamregnumln. umperducere, donee inimici eius null°modo audeant negare quedregnat, Aug. Eccies.S. a ze Efai,z6./0.