Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

98 VERSE I. Hof.5 .2,3. Hof.7.2,,t 2. Amos 8,7. Dets.3s.34,3 Pfalso. ac. The0bilinacieofSinne. men, and to doe again them whatfoever he bath fpo- ken. Wee fee then that men will never fubmit them- felvesunto the Scepter of Chrift, nor prevent the wrath to come by a voluntary fajet7ivic It remaines there, fore that God take the worke into his owne hands, and put them perforce under Chriasfate. They will not fubmit to his kingdome ofgrace and mercy, they will not beleeqe his kingdome ofglory and falvation, but they !ball be madefubjet to the fwordofhis wrath,and that without anyhope ofefcape, or power of oppofiti- on, for God himfelfe (hall do it immediatly byhisowne mighty power. Hee will interpofe his owne hand, and magnifie the gloryof his owne flrength in the jufl con- fufionofwicked men. So the Apoffle faith, that The Lord will (hew his wrath, andmake hir power lqiowne in theverelsfittedfor &fit-talon, Rom.9.22.. Two meanes the ApofIle fheweth !hall be ufed in the Mira:lion of the wicked, to effeel it. The pretence or countenance, and the gloriouspower ofthe Lord, 2 Thef.t.o. The ve- ry terrourof his face, and thedreadful! Majeilyof his prefence flay the wicked. The kings ofthe earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chiefe cap- taines,and the mighty men, thole whoall their life time were themfelves terrible,and had beene acquainted with terrours,(hall then beggeof the mountaines and rockes to fall upon them and to hide themfrom the Face ofhim that fitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lambe Aevel.6.15 ,1 6. Efiti. whence that ufuall expreffion ofGods refolution to defiroya people, I will Jet my face again, them. 0 then how fore !hall the condemnation of wicked men bee, when therein the Lord purpofeth todeclare ^riv, d 6 v 1 J at46) the glori- ous iirength ofhis owne almighty arme. Herewhen the Lord punifheth a people, he onely fheweth how much flrength and edge he canputinto the Creatures to exe- cute his difpleafure. But the extreme terrourofthe laft day