Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

{ T94 VERSE I. Ezek.12.23, Thewickedfhall bepun ed AntWM9MeIMM. flame comming to hide themfelves in the holes ofthat Rocke ofmercy. It isnothing but Atheifme and infide- lity which bewitcheth men with ciefperate Cenfeleiheffe againil the vengeance ofGod. And therefore as the Lordbath feconded his Wordof Promife with anoath, that they might have thongconfolation who flye for re- fuge to lay hold on the hope which is let before them, Heb.6.17,18. So bath hee confirmed the Word ofhis thieatnings withan oath too. IfI lift up myhand to hea- [yenmine enemies, I will reward them that bateme, Dent.3 2. andfay, I livefor ever--- I will render vengeance to lo 41. and againeyhe Lordhath/worneby the excellen- t:1\0f Iatob,Inrely Iwill meterforget any of their war kg, e..4mos 8.7. and againe, I haveprorne by my felfe, that unto me every kneeAd' bow,Efai,45. 2 3 . and this he doth that fee= and obdurate finners might have the firon- ger reafons to flye from the wrath which is let before them. 0 nos miler-0:mi nec jiiranti Deo credirmu! How wonderful! is the flupidity ofinen, that will neither be- leeve the words, nor tremble at theoath ofGod ? Hee warneth US to fly from thewrath to come,and we make bile to meete it the rather: wee fill up our meafure, and commit finne with both hands greedily, with uncleane and intemperate cantles, we bring immature deaths up.. on our felves, that ib we may haflen ro hell the loaner, and make trial! whether Godbe a liar or no. For this in- deed is the very dire&Ale ofevery profane exorbitancy which men rah into. .Everyman hath much Atheifme in his heart bynature, but fuch del-mate flupiditydoth wonderfully improve it, and bring men by degrees to the hellifh prefumption of thole in the Prophets, The Lordwill not doegood, neither will hedoe evil/; It is not the Lord, neither f4411evslt come upon us, the Prophets fballbecomewinde,and the wordis not inthem. Thedayes areprolongedand the Dillon fballflute; this manprophefi- eth oftbingsafarre off, ofdoomes day, of things which &mil