Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

by gods immediatepover. man,who diCputea aaainfl God ? who rather choofeli toabufe the carets ofPGod,tha,t thou mica diflionour him, than to bee ruled by his revealed will, that thou inaia obey him? Let the potfheards*lyewith the pot- (beards of the earth, but let not the Clay dafh it felfe againfl him that made it. Remember and tremble at the difference which our Saviour makes even among(} the wicked in hell. It !hall be easierfor&dome awl Gomor- rah, andfor TyreandSidon is thedayofjedgement, than for thofe cities which have heard anddefpifedhim.Wic- kedmen are treafuring up ofwrath, andhoardingup of dcfiruaion againfl their owne foulcs, everynewoath or blafphemie hcapes a new mountaine upon their consci- ence ; every renewedasofany uncicanneffc plungeth a mandeeper into hell,giveth the divell more holdfaa of him,addsmore fuell unto his Tophet,fqueezeth inmore dregges and woeful] ingredients into thecup ofaflonifb- Mein which he muff fwallow. Doubtlefle a fanner in hell would account himfclfea blaredcreature if bee did not feele there the weight and worme of such and fuch particular limes, which with much eafineffe he might have forborne,nay which without paine and labour hee could not commit. We fee 'Dives in hell bcgg'd far but a drop of water to coole his tongue in that nightie flame. Now fuppofe a man in a burningfornace ; what great comfort could he receive from but a drop ofwa- ter again° afornace offire? Certainly the abatement of fa much paine as the abiding of one drop would re- move,could in noproportionamount to the taking away the punifbment ofthe fmallefl fin,of the Intl idle word, or unprofitable thought; and yet in that extremity there fhall not bee allowed a drop of refrefbment again(( a lake offire. 0 that men would therefore in time con- fider what a woefull thing it is to fall into the hands,and to rowze up the jealoufieof the living God ; that be- caufe he will doe thus and thus unto obdurate sinners, they., 107 VERSE I.