Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

TheTable. amosoworwsms anormaarmoot posrasvommoormin Chrigfuffereth in thefurerings ofhis Church. 115 Chrsgs Triumph over his enemies,andthecomforts thereoftete . 118 Shame. 122 Footfioole noteth Burden. 123 Reconspence. 124 Plefrilneffe. 126 The gofPell with theSpirit 1:s fall ofpower andfirength r 13 5 (Cower/los. 1 37 1 iraflificertion. 140 Towards thole that arefavecLin their< I I Sanaifi IPerfeve cation. 141 rance. 142 Comforts.' 143 (Tessporallbleifings. 144 IConvInamg them. 145 AffrightiIthem. 150 2 Towards thole thatperifhin< budging them. 151 I Ripening their 153 Enraging them. 153 1A/tering them. 155 The gold to beepreachedwith authoritie. 156 The &Mato bee received in thepower thereof. 157 The Gefpell end, able.toholdup in extremities. 158 Noacquaintance withGodbut in the Gefpell. 159 The Gofpell U notfent invaine. 161 The Gofpell with the Spirit lefallofglory4 162 In regardofAutherofit. 165 The Ge.sclella myflery ussfearchablebyhumane realm, 167 Contemptofthe CITYpreached contemptofChrift ht. glory. 171 Expell to Beare Chrgi eakingfrom heaven in IA:sword. 173 2 In thepromulgation thereof. 176 Evangelicall knowledge the meafore ofgrace. 179 3 In thematters therin contained. i80 HisWifedome, Goodneffe,Tower,Grace,Kingdome. 182 Gods glory can nowhere bee lookedon with comfort but in Chriff. 184. 4 In ends andpurpofesforwhich itferveth. 186 To agis*MOInri*