Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

II+ VERSE I. Ezck.18.2e, Ma1.344,15'. Hof.141- Thevickedsfallabeauty'ullthing. another,wce acknowledge a decency and cleanlineffe in Inch a houfe. Let a bodybee ofnev er Co exa tempera- ture and delicate complexion, yet ifany member therin bee mifplaced , the eye in the root= ofthe care, or the eh( eke ofthe fore head,there canbet no beauty in fuch a body : So in the Church , till God fet every one in his right place,the order thereof is but imperfea.Therefore when ludas was put under Chrifis feete , bee is laid to have gone licIsior,,s7m, unto his owneplace, /W.I./ 5. Why then fbould any man murmure at the profpe- rity oEwicked men, or conceiveofGods proceedings as ifthey were irregularand unequal', as if there were no profit for thofe who walke mournfully , but the proud, and wicked workers were let up ? This'is to revile the workman while hee is yet in the fitting of his worke. The pieces are not yet put together in their proper joints, and therefore no marvel" if the evenneffe and Beautyof Gods vvotkes bee not fo plainly difcovercd. For every thing is beautiful' in its time; what though the come in the field hang downe the head, and the weeds feeine to flourifband overtop it; flay but till the harvefl, and it will then appeare which was for the gar- ner, and which for thefire. Gee into the Sanauaryof the Lord, and by faith looke untothe dayofthe revela- tion ofGods righteous judgments, and it will appeare that the wales ofthe Lordare right,though thetranigref. fiarsiqumblein them, or bee offended at them. Secondly, from hence every manmay learne how to . bring beauty and order into himfelfe , namely by {lib- duingthofe enemiesofChrifi , thofe lulls and evill affe- &ions which dwell within him. Lawes wee know arc the ligaments and finewesofa flate,the firings as it were whichbeing touched and animatedby skilful' governors doe yceld that excellent harmonic which is to bee feen in well conflituted common wealths;the more theypre- vaile fo much the more untie is preferved and faelion abated,