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Chrifis enemies hisfoot-floole. 123 .mmameammamom mom.. am, Omaammoomarammaampla they are led captives, yet they goe like men (lilt; but to bemade a floole for the Conquerour to infult over, to licke thedu1 like a ferpent, and move outofholes like the wormesofthe earth, tobe fo low,as not to have any further degree ofcalarnity or difhonourleft unto which a man may be debafed ; this is the extronitie offbarne. It isnoted forthe grestell indignity which Bajtzer the grandSignior ever fuffered, whenTamerlanehisadver- fary trampled upon his necke ; andof Pilitrio14, that cruel' perfecutour ofthe Church,that he was Mel under foot bySoares thePerfian King, and after flayed like a beaff. It notes theextremefl degree of revenge, which huhno mixture ofmercy or compaffion in it : So that by thiswe fee the enemiesof Chria andhiskingdome (hall be put toutterand everlafling flume: That as the faith- full in that great day of their redemption (hall lift up their heads, and have boldneffe in theprefence of the Lambe ; fo the wicked (hall fall flat upon their faces, and cleave unto the duff ; when thebookes (hall be un- feal'd and the confcienccsofmenopened, and the wit- neffes produced, and the fecrets ofundeannefre reveal'd on the houfe-top, and the mouthes ofthe wicked, who here for a littlewhile difpute againfi thewaiesofChrift, and cavill at his commands, than be everlaflingly flop- ped, whenmen (hall be like a depreheridecl theefe ( as theProphet fpeakes) then (halltheirfaces be asaflame, full of trembling, confufon andaflonifhment. The ve- ry befi that are finde fhame enough in finne ' howmuch they who give themfelves over.unto vile anti difhonou- table affeaions ? Secondly, hereby is noted the Burden which wicked men muff beare: The foot-floolebeareth the weight of thebody,fomuff the enemiesofChriftbeare the weight of his heavie and zverlafling wrath upon their conks. Sin in thecommitting feemes verylight, no bigger than the cloud which the Prophet (hewed hiskrvant, but at tall VERSE I. pal 72.9. EraY49 z3. confiantini totiesperterruit urban, Sub Tamberlano ellacanifpie fuit. vfarel.Vielor & Emtropists. ler.242 tg. Ezra 9,6. Dan.94,8. Rome(. al.