Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

It z4. VE R SE I. Maah.2.r.44. Reve1.6.I6. Chrifis enemies hisJo'otiloole. Tall it gathers into fuch a tempefl, as, if the foule make not halle,it will be fweptaway,and overwhelmed by it : weightybodies doe with much difference affe& thefenfe according to the difference of places wherein theyare. That wall or peeceof timber, which when it is on the water, may be eafily drawne with thehand ofman, on the land cannot be ttirred withmuch greater flrength So is it with fin upon the confcience, in the timeofcorn- mittingnothingmorecalk, but in the time ofjudging it, nothing more unfupportable. A wilde Affe in the time ofher lulling craveriech her wayes with much pc- tulancie,and fnuffeth up the wind at her pleafure,no man can turneher, but inher Ineneth, that is,when fhe is bur- dened with her foale, Thee then feeleth the event ofher formerlutlfulneffe, and will cafily be overtaken : fo the wicked in finne, however for the time theymay beare it out with much mirth,and cheere up their hearts in the daies oftheir pleafure,yet when fin is come to thebirth, and In fully finifhed, that it is now ready to bring forth death unto the foul; they (hall thenfinde that it is but like the roll which the Prophet fwallowed, fvveet to the polar, but bitter in the belly, like a cup ofdeadly poi- fon, pleafant in themouth, but torment in the bowels. On whomfoever the Sonne ofman (hall fall with the weight of his heavie difpleafure hce will grinde him to powder. That mull needs bee a heavie burden which men would moll joyfully exchange for the weight of rockes and mountaines to lye everlaflingly upon their backcs : And yet thewicked at that great daynull all in vainc begge of the mountaines and rockes to fall upon them, and to hide them from the wrathof the Lambe, bill rather choofe to live eternally under the weight of the heaviefl creature in the world, than under the fury of him that fitteth upon the Throne. Thirdly,herein hkewife is noted the relationof a juR and equall le.compence unto ungodly men. Thc Lord ufeth