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132 ( VERSE Z.I R2ialienifrost, t ;deft incipient. Dignare tffe.Do- , minim inimacorg tuoriirs.Hieron. The `hodofarillout ofSion. the Apoffle, swathe mount that burnedwithfare,norunto blackpcfe and darknepre, and tempe.fl, &c, but yee are comeunto mount Sion, andunto the City ofthe livinggod, theheavenly lerufalem, and to an imonnera6lecompany of Angels,and to Iefus the ultediatorof the new Covenant, &c. H4.12.18.24. and the Apatite elfewhere fbeweth us the meaningofthis Allegoricall oppofition betweene Sim and Sion,betweene Sarah andHagar, namely the two covenants of the Lawand ofGrace, or of bondage and liberty, Ga/.4.24,2 . Sionwas the place whither the tribes reforted to worfhip the Lord, the place towards which that people praied, the place ofGods mercifull refidence amotiga them,thebeautyof holines, theplace upon which firft the gift ofthe holy Ghofi was powred forth, and in which the Gofpcll was fira ofall preached after Chrills Afcenfion. We may take it by a Synech- doche for the whole Church of the jewes, unto whom the Lord fira revealed his Covenant of Grace in Chrifi, At.7.3. 26. 4RJ 3.46.Rom.2.-to. Rule Thou] that is, Thou /halt rule, which is a ufuall forme toput the Imperative for the future Indicative. It is not a command,which hath relation untoany fervicez but it is a promife,acommiffion, a dignity conferred up- onChria. in the mid' ofthine enemies.] Some underfland it of changing the hearts ofhis enemies,andconverting them as captives unto his obedience. Other underfland the wonderfull effe61 of the power of Chigis kingdome, that he can by his Word and Spirit holduphis Church in defpight ofall the enemies thereofround-about. The Churchever wasand will be pefler'd with divers kindes of adverfaries, hcretikes and hypocrites, andfalfe bre- thren,withprofaneneffe,temptations,perfecutions, fpiri- tuall and in the midft of all thefe the Church of Chria groweth as a Lily amongft the thorns. Now this In media, noteth two things; Domi- Mum