TheRd ofChrill out ofSion. Mumpienum,anddominiom fecurum, Aperfc(I andfull governement without mutilation, without impediment, the Church being amongit the wicked as a rocke in the arida ofthe fea, or as a garrifon in an enemies towne, tAtediadonsinantor inurbe, is an expreffion of inch a rule as can noway be hindered or removed.TheChurch of God is a burdenfome flow, they who goe about to remove it out of that place where Chria will plant it than be cutin pieces, though all thepeople ofthe earth should gather together againfi it, Zecha 2.3..4 (ecure and.confidentgovernment, fo in the Scripture phrafe, In themidi/ notes confidence andlecurity. When the Pro- phet asked the Shunamite, wouldiff thou be fpokcn for to theking,or to the Captaine of the hoft?fhe anfwered, Idwell amone mine owe people, that is, I am Cafe and haveenough already, 2 King.4.1 3. When they ofthe Synagogue would have call Chriti downe head -long from the brow ofa hill, it is laid, that he paffed through themidg of them and wenthis *ay, that is, with much confidence, fafety, andafrurance he withdrew himfelfe, Lok.4.29,3o. As the Prophet was full of fecurity and quietnelfe in the midfl of the Syrian fiege , 2 King. 6.14-16. The wordsbeing thus unfolded, wee may obfcrve in them Three of Chrigs principall Regalities, Sceptrum, Solium,and Imperium. The Scepter, the Throne, and thePoweror government of hiskingdome. His Scepter is the worelofhis Gofpell animatedby the Power ofhis holy Spirit,and accompanied with the blefling and au- thority ofGod the Father, who fendeth it abroad into the world. HisThrone, from whence this his Scepter is extended,Sion,the Church of the Jewcs ; His viaori- - ous, plenarie, and fecure governement, Rule thou in the midst of thineenemies. Firfl,the Scepter here is the Goffiell and the Spirit of Chrill. Chia is a Shepheard towards his Flocke the K 3 Church, 133 VE R SE 2.