Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

VERSE 2. TheTodofChrill out ofSion. Church, ,Efai.4c.i i. Agreat Shepheard, lid. 13.2o. that noteshis Power andMajellyover them : and a good Shepheard, notes his care and tendec- neffe towards his Sherpe. Kings in the Scripture ate called Sbepheardi to lead and to feed,and to govern the people. So David is laid to have beene taken fiorn the fbeepfolds,tefeed Jacob and Ifrael,Tfal.78.7I. 2 Sam. 5a. and thus Chrifl isa Shepheard and a King. brill letup one Shepheardover them, andhe (hall feede them, , Evenmyfervant David-- I the Lord will be their God, ands's) fervsmt David al rince among them, Ezek, 34. 23,24.Prophets&Teachers are in the Scripture likewife called Shepherdsder.23. t,4.and fol./n-0 isaShepheard and a MAI:. Ye wereas fheepe goingafiray,but now ye are returned unto the Shepheard andBsfhop ofyour [butes, 1Pet.2 .25. And therefore wee finde in the Scrip- ture that Chrifl bath two paftorall /laves, to note his great care and double in his Church. The Lord is my Shepheard, 1 alto want - Iwillfeareno evill,for thouart with me,thy Rodand thy Stale they comfort me, P141.13.4. I tooks untome two Raves, the one 1called Beauty, and theother [calledBands, andIfedthe/lecke, Zech. I 1.7. So then the Red of Chrilh flrength or his firong fiaffedoth in thefe feverall relations note untous three things: As it isa flaffe of firength, fo it notes the power ofChriff. As it is the Scepterof a King, fo it notes themajejlie ofChriff.As it is:be/Wee/a Ettbop or Pro- phet, fo it notes thecare and fiaperixtendencie of Chrifl over his Church. So then this firfi particular of the Rod of Chrifis kingdome affoords unto us three obfervati- ons: Pita, that Chrifl in hisGofpell and Spirit is full of powerand flrength towards the Church. Secondly,that Chrifl in his Gofpell and Spirit is full ofGlory and Ma- jelly towards his Church. Thirdly, that Chria in his Gofpell and Spirit is full ofcare and of tenderneffe to- wards his Church. Firfi,