Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

ThePOPer ofthe 94e11. INmorVMMIP mowna...r sa downebefore, it could never raife him upagaine. Now thepower is farre greater to raifc than tokill , to forgive finnes,t'han to bind their. Herein is the mighty k firength ofGods mercy fees that it canpace ky franf_ greilionsandfinnes. To I preach the Gofpell ofChri1 in his name and authority is an evident argument of that plenary power which is given unto him both in heaven andearth.And the very difpenfingofthis word ofrecon- ciliation which is committed unto the Minifiers of the Gofpell (howbarely foever the ungratefull world may efleeme of them) bath honored themwith a titleofas great power as a man is capableof, to bee called Sa- viors, to have the cuflod ie ofthe keyesofheaven, mini- flerially and infirumentallyunder Chria and his Spirit to ,fave thefoides,and to cover theJinxes ofmen. Now then that word which from the mouthofa weake man is able to reconcile a child of wrath unto God, and by the words ofone houre to cover andwipe outthe finnes of many yeares,whichwere fcattered as thick in theConies ofmen as the fiarres in thefirmament, mull needs bee virga virtutis,a Rodoffirength. Thirdly , theGofpell ofChrift is a Rodoffirength in thefanUiticationofmen, as it is Sceptrwm cum nidlione, a Scepter which bath ever an unotion accompanying it. As it is a San6lifyingTruth, an heavenly teaching, a For- ming()fang+ in the foule , a making of the heart as it were hisEpiftle bywriting the Law therein, and mani- fefiing the power and image of Chrifi in the confcience. lfa man ( hould touch a marble or adamant (lone with a feale , and taking it off(hould fee the print ofit left be- hinde , hee could not but conceive fame vvonderfull and ferret venue tohave wrought fo firange an of 1. Now our hearts are of themfeives as hard as the nether mil- Hone ; when then a holy word , fo meekly and gently laid onupon them, !ball leave there an impreflion ofits ownpuritie,whenfo fmall a thing as agraineofmufiarct. feed 1+1 VERSE a. k Exod.34.5, 6,7. Mich. 7.18,19. Matrh.9.6. 1 Matth.2,84 19. Obad.v.zz: lob 20.23. Tim 416. Iam.5. 0. 1011.17.17. Efai. ?. Gal 4.19. Cor.3z.