Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

f41 vE R S E 2. Pet.1.5, V.24. PCC.1.24. 1011,3,9. Jolla 5 z. ThePower ofthe Well. feed (hall transforme an earthy fbuic into its owne na- ture , when the eyes and hands, and mouth ofChrifi being in the miniflerie ofhis word fpread upon the eyes and hands and mouth ofa Childe (hall rev:ve the fame from death, whenby looking into a &age .wee Lill not onely have a view of our owne faces , but flail fee them changed into the image of another face which from thence Ihineth upon us, how can weebut conclude that certainly that word by-which fuch wonders as tilde are effeaed is indeed virgavirtatis, a Rodoffirength ? Fourthly, the Gofpell ofChrifl is aRedoffirength, in the Perfervation andPerfeverance of the Saints ' as it is rirgagermitians, a Rodlike Avon! Rod, whichbloffo- med and the blofromespearled not, but remained in the Ark for a Teilimony ofGods power. For as thole buds, or the Manna in the Ark didnot perifh,fo neither doth the wordofthe Gorpell in the hearts ofthe faith- full. The Apoille faith, that wee are kept by the powerof Goduntofalvation, and S. Jude that Godspower keepeth theSaintsfrom , andprefentetb themfauldeffe de- fore the prefence ibisglory ; and what is this power of God whereby hee doth it, but the Gorpd1 ofChrifi, whichS. Peter callethfemenincorraptibile,uncorruptible feed; and the SpiritofChrifir,which SJahncallethfemen manens, an abiding feed ? IFI fnould fee a tree with per- petuall fruit , without any variation from thedifference of feafons , a tree like that in S. Johns Paradife which every month did bring forth fruite of twelve feverall kindes , I fhould conclude that it had an extraordinary vitall power in it : fo when I finde Chria in his word promifing,and by the planting and watering ofhis La- borers in the vineyard , making good thatpromife unto his Church; That every branch bringing forth fruit in him , fhall not onely bee as AdrerkrRod, have his fruit preferved uponhim, but(ballbringforthmorefruit and (hall have life moreabandast1 y, how can I butConclude, that I