Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

1+8 VERSE 2. E. VAL H. _Quid judicatu- rusfacietquijm- dicandus hos fe- cit ?vidregna- turaspoterit, qus =thanes bocyotuit?dug. TIL3.It. 1441174I)I6. ThePover oftheWell. 0.11141101- Ifinel Here theScripture ufeth that figure which is cal- led by theRhetoritians Commonicatio, a debating and deliberation with the adverfe party, an evidencing of a caufc fo cleerely, as that at IA a man can challenge the adverfary himfelfe to make fuch a determination, as himfelfe{hall in reafon judge the meritsof the mule to require : HowAO !pardon theefor this ? andhowAall I doefor the daughters ofmypeople ? Set me in a way, de- termine the controverfie yourfelves, and will Rand to the itfue which your owneconfeiences {hall make. 0 in- habitantsof lerufalent, and men ofJudah, judge Ipray you betweeneme andmy Pineyard, that is, doe youyour felves undertake the decidingofyour owne caufe.When a bandofarmed men came againfl Chrift to attach him, and at the pronouncing but of two words, Iamhe, fell all down backward to the earth ; we mutt needs con- feffe that there was fome mightie power and evidence of Majetly in him that uttered them: what thinke wee can he doe when hee raigneth and judgeth the world, whodid let out fo much power whenhe was todie and robe judged by the world ? NowChria raigneth and judgeth the world byhis Word, and that more mightily after his afcendingup on high, and therefore he promi- feth his Apottles that they fhould doe greater workes than himfelfe had done. When I fhall fee a man armed with fcorne againft Chrift inhis Word, (land ingproud- ly upon thedefence ofhisowne wayesby his ownewif: dome,and wrappinguphimfelfe in the mud ofhis owne carnal' reafonings, by a few poflulata, and dedu&ions fromGods Word, to bee enforced to floppe his owne mouth, tobe condemnedby his owne witneffe, to be- tray his owne fuccours, and to bee (but upin a prifon without barres ; when I {hall force filch a man by the mighty penetration and invincible evidence of Gods Word, to fee in his owne confcience a hand fubfcribing to the truth which condemns him, andbelyingall thofe delufions