Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

Tin9.6.17. 2, Cor4. T Th11.4.11322. Tit. 245. a Core 7.23. The l'on'erofthe g4e11. armor neffe, and when they yeeld unto their lulls, doe it not without much helitancy and confltaofa naturallconfci- ence, I mutt =des acknowledge a mighty ftrength in that word which fetteth bounds to the raging of fo proud a fea. From hence then the Meffengers ofChrifl who arc entrufled with the difpenfation of this Rod offirength, may be inflruaccl how to behave themfelves in that mi- niflery.Few menwil lofe any thing ofthat power which is giventhem, for every' thing in its kinde doth affe& power. NowChrifl hath committed untous the cuflo- dyofhis owne power, and therefore we ought to ma- nage it as a wordofpower, able alone by it felfe without the contemperations ofhumane fancies, or the fuper- firualion of humane opinions to worke mightily to the Salvation of thofe that beleeve, and to the convictionof gaine-Payers. Our Commiffion is to charge even the great menofthe world. It is true the minifters of the Gofpell are /ervants to the Church ; In compagion to pitty the difeafes , the infirmities, the temptations of Gods people : in minifterie,to affifl them withall need- full fuppliesof comfort, or inftru&ion,or exhortation in righteoufneffe ; in humility, towaite upon men oflow- eft degree, and to condefcend unto men ofweakefl ca- pacitie. And thus the very Angels in heaven are fervants to the Church of Chrifl. But yet we are fervants onely for the Churches good, to ferve their foules , not to ferve their humors. And therefore we are fuch fervants as may command too. There things commandand teach, Let no mandefpife thy youth. And againe, Theft things fpeake,and exhort, andrebuke with all authority , Let no man defpsfe thee. Nominiflers are more deirpicable than thole who by ignorance,or flattery,or any bale andam- bitiousaffe&ions betray the power & marflicall fitnpli- cityoftheGolpel ofChria.Whenwe deliverGodsmef- fage we mugnot thenbe thefervants ofmen;lfIyet pleafe men,