TheTower ofthe 0.10 men, Iwere not then thefirvntst of Chrifi, faith the Apo_ file. To captivate the truth ofGodunto the humours ofmen,and ro inake theSpirit ofChrift in his Gofpell to bend, comply and complement with humane luqs is with knish to play the ruonagates fromour office,ancito proflrate the Scepter of Chrifl unto the infultation of men. There is a wonderfull m*ay and authority in theword when it is fit onwith ChriqsSpirit. He taught mends iodicEar, as one who had power and authority, or priviledge to fpeake,as one that carednot for the per. Ions ofmen,and therefore where ever his fpirit is, there will this power and liberty ofChriflappeare,for hebath given it to his min iflers, that they may commend them- felves in the confciences of thofe that heare them, that theymay harden their faces againfl the pride and fcorne ofmen,that theymaygoe out in armies againfl the ene- mies ofhis kingdome, that they may fpeake boldly as theyought to fpeake, that theymaynot Puffer hisword to be bound,or his Spirit to be flraitened by the humors ofmen. Againe, we Mould all labourto receive the word in the powerthereof, and to expofeour tender parts unto it. ACocke is in comparifonbut a wcakeCreature,and yet the crowing of a Cocke will caufe the trembling ofa Lion. What is a Bee to a Beare , or a Moufe to an Elephant? and yet ifa Bee fafien his Oing in the note of a Beare, or a Moufe creepe up andgnaw the trunke ofan Elephant, how eafilydoe fo little Creatures upon fuch an advantage torment the greatefl ? Certainely, the proudefl of men have fome tender part into which a flingmay enter. The confcience is as fenfible ofGods difpleafure, asobnoxious to his wrath, as fhbje& to his word in a prince as in a beggar. If the word like Da- vid: (tone finde that open and ger into it , it is able to finite the greateft Goliab. Therefore wee fhould open our confciences unto that word, andexpe5t his fpirit to come 157 VERSE 2. Matth.7.29. Matth.n.16. s Cor. 2.4. 2 Cor.3. 1 7. z Cor. 3. Io. 2 Cor 4 2. Ier.1.6,7, 8. Ezek.3.8,9. Pfab o.3, Eph.6.zo.