16+ VERSE 2* Ier.9. 24. Mic 7.1g. Gn Erai.r .zo lena 7. 2.. Efai.6o*7. Efai 64 ir. Kings.S.IL n Ma1.44. oHag.2.7.9. p Heb, 9.13,14. q Erai.40.5. hfai.66.18. Lnic.z.32. r Co1.1.21. Iam 2.8. 2 G)r.3.8 9. Thefl:z.u. fr Pet.r.rz. The9krieoftheg4e11. IMINVIII=8.0 Maallowlin101111011111111110111 11 .112wo light ofGod inChriR , and in the mercy which through himwasunto the world revealed; Therein the Lord re- Real and repofeth hiinfelfe,as in the crownc and accom- plifhtnent ofal his workes. And this m Temple is called aglorious Ref, aglorious high throne, a hemp, ofglory, of beauty andofholineffe. It is Paidat the firk Dedication thereofthat the Gloryof Lord filledit. It was not the gold or filver (wherewith before that Dedication it was beautified) wherein the glory thereofdid confiff, but in theevidence ofGodsprefence ; which at that time was but acloud, whereas the true glory thereofhimfelfe was n a SlitMe as the Prophet call him. And with thisdid the Lord fill the fccond Temple, which for this caufe is Paid to have been 0 more glorious than the former, though in the magnificence of the flruaure farre inferior. Now then as the Apoffle in a cafe of juR alike proportion, ufeth a 7P3°C.. mavo,, a terme ofexceffe, whenhee fpeaketh of the ihbflance in comparifon ofthe type.P lithebloud of bulls and goates did Sanaify to the purifyingofthe flefh, Howmuch more (hall the bloud ofChriti? So may wee in this cafe, If the Types ofEvangelicall things were thus glorious , howmuch more glorious muff theGo- fpell it felfe needs bee? Andtherefore , as I before ob- ferved in other things ' fo in this is it true likewife, that Chriii and his Gofpell have the fame attribute ofglory frequently givenunto them. Chrift if called the Glory ofthe Lord , andof his people 11;.ael : And the r Gofpell a eoriotte myilerie , a Royall Law , a migrationel-glory; Nay 2./017 it felfe, for fo I underRand that place of the ApoRle that yee would walke worthyofGod , who hath called you unto his Kingdome andglory , that is, unto the knowledge ofhis Gofpell, for ofthat in allthe antecedent parts and in the verfe immediatly following. doth the Apoale fpeake. A f glory which dravveth the Rudy andamazement of the moil glorious creatmes, of Godunto it. To