The Table. Vomarrammnr...11P 111.0006111 How Chrifibeing innocent might POO fivffer thepimilhment of our!Amer. 444 I.Godmaycalpinesuponan innocentperfon. 444 2. It isnot again'? genera&spityfar onto fitffer anothers finite. 446 3.71it Equity in theprefentcafea:Jobeal 1 parties Willing ). are kerb and 446 Glorified. 4.10the innocentperfon thus pilfering .0afacrificefor the nocent is required, I. An intimate conjuntlion with him that is nocent. 447 2. AMdominionover thatfromwhich infofferingbe parteth. 448 3. A flrength to hreake through thejoifferings. 449 Howlinne thus punithedmayheraldtobepardoned. 449 Adoable fifeofthe &Urine ofRighteoilieffe ,i i Selfi-deniall. 450 mlmted Confidence. 452 ledsmolancieofChrills merit, purchajing S Immunityfromevils. 455 or N't Priviledgeof Vittrion, Tilden with himwhenceoar Adoption, 456 Exaltation. Tatiesgrowing out oftheconfederationofChrifispriephood. ' 457 OfMelchifedck his perfon, Order, Bread and Prise I, Bet:edit-1ton; Tithes, gmealogie. 461 Chrigisa KingofRighteottfileffe. 465 Chrift isaKingofCanaanite:. 467 Where Chrifl is 4 KingofRighteoufiteffe,heis a XingofPeace, 469 Chrifliforwardnefetomeeteandto6Ieffe hispeople. Liberallmaintenance doe unto the ildinifiersofthe Gold. Y . 471 Chrifta ComforterandRefielherofhispeople. 47 2 Chrifi aReceiver ofHomageandrribute. 473 475 Chrillt VOowwOMMK