TheYlorie of the (17ojpell. 1.1111F0 411..... loofe, and rotten in mydifcourfc, and bee will plymee with his owne authority, that for every idle word 1 mull render anaccount.' am full ofoppreffion and unjuil gain, and the Lord will now urge the inflruaions of Nehemi- ish,8c the rellitutionofZacheufupon me.In theft or any other the like cafes, ifa main can come with Saint Pauly temper ofhart,not to confralt with flefhand blosid,butLord whin wilt thou have me to doe?or with the anfwerofSa- muel,Speake Lordfor thy fervant heareth ; or with the refolutionofCornelius, ) am here prefent before Godsto heareallthings that'halt bee commandedof God. I am come with a purpofc of heart to cleave unto thy holy will in anthills. Here I am in my finnes, (hike where thou wilt, cut offwhich of mine earthly members thou wilt, I will not arms it, I will not extenuate k, I will not difpute with thee, I will not rebel' againfl thee, I will fecond thee in it, I will praife thee for it ; This is to give God theglorie of his owne Golpell. It is not to part from a little monie towards the maintenance of the - word,or tovouchfafe a little countenance to the difpen- cers of it (and yet alas how few are there who repayun- to theminitlersofthe Golpell that double honor which God andnot they huh given unto them ? ) but to part from our lulls, and to fuffer our old man to be crucified, which givethhonour to the Word. If a man had thou- fands oframmes, and tonne thoufand rivers of oile, and would bee content to partfrom themall for Gods wor- fhip : Ifa man had children enough, and in a famine of the word, would buy every ferinon which beeheareth with the facrifice ofaSonne : yet all this would not give glorie enough to the ordinance of God. Men naturally love their lulls, the iffue of their evil) hearts, better than their lands, or thechildrenof their body (ifHaar fon (land in the wayofhis ambitious fecurity,it were better to behis Hogthan his childe. The loffe of cattell, and fruits, and water, and light, and the firfi-borne ofall the 175 VERSE 2. Neheir.5.u, 2. Luk,19. 8. Gal. .16. Aet.g.6. Satu.3.13. Ada 0. i3.