The Table. 0.4mol &WNW:,reiliIIIIIPNIM MI11111~~1116 ....MMINIIIIMISMO. Chrispriefthood is everlafints. 482 rrhy the Lord is laid to be at the Right Hand 04Church. 485 Cbrifis enemies kings. 487 t./111praife andhonour to bee given-unto Godforthe PowerodOfficeof Chriji,, 489 Chrift Uprefentandprepared to defend hispeoplefrom theirenemies.491 Chriiiinhis appointed time will setter overthrowhisgreateli enemies, 493 Tempting. , 494. Satan, entnitie is in Accufing. 495 How theSpirit ofjudgement evercommeth corruptions. 495 HowChrfgovercommeth his potent adverfaries in the world. 498 There isa couflitutedtimewhereinChrigwill be avenged ofhis enemies. 502 503 Pniver4y, which ilk:none by its Impudence, 504 ,Obilinacie. 2. when theChurch is thronghly bumbled am'purged. 506 3. Whetsallhumane hopesandexpeaationearegone. 506 Chrifisviaories areby wayofpleadingand diReptation. 509 A torrent ofcurler betweenmanand Salvation. 515 TheNeceffityofChrifisSufferings. The Greatne andNature of Chrifis Sufferings. 521,5522 f e The power,andvenue ofChrifisReporreilion. 524 Pnenjinneisgroyne to itsfalnefe