Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

18z VERSE 2. a ROM. 15. I9. b Aft.20.2s. EpheC3.8. d c r Cor.1.24. a COLS. 6, 7. he lorie ofthe o ell. which fhineth from the Sunne upon a glaffe, and kma glaffe upon a wall, fo it is the fame glory which fhineth from the rather upon the Sonne, And from the Some upon the Gofpell; fo that in the Gofpell we fee the un., fearchable treafuresof God, beeaufe his treifures his Sonne: Therefore that which is ufually called a ?rite*. cbiog the Gol ea, is in other places called b Preaching the Kingdome,and c the riches of Cbrifi,to note the glo- ryof thole things which are in the Gofpell revealed un- to theChurch. It containeth thegloryof godswildome,and that wif- dome' is d wohunkukg, mist. a manifold and various wif: dome, as the Apoffle fpeaketh, who therefore calleth Chrin and his Gofpell by the name of c Wsfdome ; wee preach Chrifi crucified, to thole that are called the power ofGod,and the wifdome of God, and weffierake, wifdome amine them that areperf ais wifdome to re- concile his owne attributesof mercy and truth, righte- ou fncffeand peace, which by the fall of man feemed to be at variance among thernfelves, wifdome in reconci- ling the world of obflinate and rebellious enemies unto himfelfe, wifdome in fandifying the whole ere anion by thebloudofthe croffe,and repairing thole ruines which the finneofman had caufed; wifdome in concorporating Chria and hisChurch, things in their ownediainol na- tures as unapt for mixture, as fire and water in their re- motel degrees; wifdome in uniting the Iewes and Gen- tiles, and reducing their former jealoufies and difaffeeti- ons untoan intimate fellowfhip in the fame commonmy. fieries : In one word, wifdome above the admirationof the bleffed Angels, infinding out a way to givegreater fatisfaaion tohis offended plaice, by chewing mercie and laving ruiners, than he could ever have received by either theconfu fionor annihilationofthem. It contai- Roni.5.8. neth the gloryofgodsgoodneffeandmercy,of thatatabd., goodwill towards men, which brought glory to God, and