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1St. The qlorie of the ,g4ca. VERSE 2. mirk rte : Co that on all fides the Law is weake,unable, by reafon ofmans fine, to fan ; and unable, by reafon lames 4. 3,6. of Gods favour, tocondemne ) and there isgrace to re- move the wea4neIle of roan by Gods Spirit in to : for though our °vale limit lull unto envie, or let it felfe proudly againfl the Law ofGod ; yet heegiveth more grace, that is,lirengeh enough to overcome the counter- luffings of the flefh againfi his will, and toenable us in fincerity, and evangelicall perfeetion ro fulfill thecorn. mandsofthe Law. Lafily, it contained] in Ionic fort the glory ofGods heavenly kusgdosne,in that therein arc let in the glimpfes and firfi fruits, the leaks and affurances thereof unto the foule by the promifes, teflimonies, and Matth 13.19. comforts of the Spirit. And therefore it is frequently Marke r3.4.. called the Golfiell of the kingdotne, and the meeries of Luke 8.1a the kingdomof God, namely, that kingdome whichbe- einneth here, but (hall neverend. As ifa man borne in Ireland bee afterwards tranfplanted into England, thoughhe change his countrey, he doth not change his King,or his Law,latic is flill under the famegoveroment fo when a Chrillian is tranflated fiom earth to heaven, he is Bill in the fame kingdoine, in heaven it is the king.. dome ofglory (mendedmuch the different excellen. cie ofthe place and preferment ofthe perfon)in earth it is the fame kingdome,though in a lei amene and com- fortableclimate, the kingdomeofthe Gofpell. There and manyother the like things are the glorious matters which the Gofpell containeth. Here then Wee fee how and wherein .,we are to looke uponGod, fo as that wee mayabidehis glory, and bee comforted by it; wee mutt not looke upon him in his owne immediate brightneffe and effence, nor by our fawcie curiofities prie into the fecrets of his unrevealed glory, for he is aconfirming fire, an invifible and unap- Deur.19.29. prochable light; we mayfee hisback. parts, in the pro- Exod.r9 Exod.33.z3. claiming of his mercy ; and wee mayfee the homes or bright