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T eF glorie of the Well. 1 185 brighasamese hisband:, in thepublithingofhis Law but yet all this was under a cloud, or tsnaler tbehiding his Power; Hisface nomancanlee andlive : Wee mut not looke upon himonely in morfelves. Though wee mightat fir(} have feenehim in our ovinenature, for we were created after his Image in righteoufneffe and true holineffe ; yet now that Image is utterly obliterated, and we have by nature the Image onely of Satan and the old Adam in us : we mull not looke upon himonely in mowSmai, in his Law, lea the fire devoure us and the dart tirike us thorow; we can findenothing ofhim there but rigour,mexorableneffe, wrath and vengeance. But we mull acquaint our felves with him in hso Sonne, wee Mai knowhim, andwhom he bathtent togetber,there U no fellowjhipwith the Father, except it bewith theSonne toe: we mayhave the knowledgeofhis Hand, that is, ofhis workes,andofhispunifliments, withou t Ch rift : but we cannot have the knowledge a his 6oforne, that is, ofhis counfels, and ofhiscompaffions, nor the knowledge of I his image, that is, of his holineffe, grace and righteouf- 1 neffe ; nor theknowledge ofhis pretence, that is of his comforts here, and hisgloryhereatter, but onely in and byChrill : wemay know.God in the World, for in the Creation is manifeff Ti 7,P4a, li° NZ, that winch may der knowne of him, namelyhis eternal! power andgod-brad. But this is a barren and fruidelfe knowledge, which will not keepe downc unrighteoufneffe ; for the wifemen of theworldwhen they knew God, theyglorified him not as God hoitbecame valise in their imaofinatsonsandheld that troth' of himwhich was in the Creation revealed, is nos. righteonfteff. e. Wee mayknowhim in his Law too, and that in exceeding great glory when God came from 7e- man,andthe Holy Onefrommount Taran (whereabout the Lawwas the fecond time repeated by Motes) his glory covered the heavens, and the earth was feel of his pnge, hiv 6roghtneffe mos as the light, &c. But this is a killing ; VERSE 2. of iiabak, 3.4. LoanT7.3. lohn lohnLitt lohn r4,6. Ephef. za8. 3.12,