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186 1 Theglorieof thegojJell. _____......, ..............____________ killing knowledge, a knowledge which makes us flic fromGod, and hide our felves out of his prefence, and fight agairahim as our Covell enemies, and come fhort Dent.33.z. of his glory: therefore the Law is called 4 fart' Law, or Deut.5.24. a fire of Law, to (hew not onely the original' thereof, Ga1.3, i CI. for it was fpoken out of the middetl of the fire; but the Rom. 1 z= 20. nature and operationof it too,whichofit felfe is to heap fire and curies upon the foOle ; and therefore it is called the minifirationef Death, z Cor.3.7. But now toknow the gloryof God in the face of lefsa Chrifi, is both a fruitful' and a comfortab1eknowledge; wee know the patterne we muff walkeby, we know the life wemull liveby, we know the trealbre wee mu(' be fupplicd by, we know whomwee have beleeved, weeknow whom wee may be bold with in all (halts and ditireffes, wee knowGod in Chrifl full of love, full of compallionfull ofeares to heare us, full of eyes towatch over us, full of hands to fight for us, full of tongues to commune with I us, fat of power to preferveus, full grace to transforme us, full of fidelity to keepe covenant withus, full of wii- dome to condua us, full ofredemption to lave us,full of glory to reward us. Let us therefore put our felves into this Rocke, that Gods goodneffe may paffe before us, that hemay communicate the my fteries ofhis kingdom 1 andof his glory untous,that by him our perfons may be accepted, our prayers admitted, our Cervices regarded, our acquaintance and fellowChip with the Lord increa- , fed, by that bleffedSpiritwhich isfrom themboth (bed abroad in his Gofpell uponus. Now lafily, the Gofpell ofChrifl isglorim in thole ends, etrellt, orpurpoiesfor whichaferveth : And in this refpeet principally doth the Apoale fo often magnifie i the glory of the Gofpell above the Lacv.The Law was 1 Exot.o. 16-21. a glorious minifiery,as appeares by the thunderings and ligh tnings,the aliningo fill*: his face,anci tremblingat 1 Gods preCence, the fetvice of the Angels, and found of the VE R S E 2.