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The Calorie ol the /ofiell. 187 the trumpet, theafcendirtg ofthe finoke, and the qua- king dale mountaine :but yet fuill the gloryoftheGo- fpell was lane more excellent,a better Covenant,amore excellent minittery. The Law had rotakftife,Ind timpro- fit,okleneffi in it, `both termer of diminution from the the glory thereof) and therefore it could make nothing perfe& : But that which the Law could not doe, in as much as it was weake through theBeth, the to vof the Spirit of life int-hr.:1i Iola, (which is aperipbr.ifit of the Gofpell, as appeareth, 2 COr.3.6.)did doe for us,name- ly, makeus free from the lawof tinand death. So then the Lawwas glorious, but the Gofpell in many refpets did excetlinglory, 2 Cor. 3.10. To take a more particular viewofthe fpirituall glory ofthe Gofpell ofChrifi in thofeexcellent ends and pur- poles for which ie ferveth : Piet, It is fliaof light, to in- forme, to comfort, to guide thole who fate in darkneffe and the fhadowof death, into the wayof peace. Light was the firfl ofall the creatures which were made, and the Apofile magnifieth it for a glorious thingin thole o- ) ther luminaries which wereafter created, it Cora 5.4 r Howmuch more glorious was thg light of the Gofpell? The Apofflecalleth it 9ic bw.1405471 a marvelloom light and therefore the kingdome ofthe Gofpell is exprefi by light andglory together, as termes of a promifcuous fig. nificarion, 44.1 6o. i, 2, 3.Ofall other learning the knowledgeofthe Gofpell cloth infinityexcel! in worth, both in regard of the objet thereof, which is God, ma- nifefied in the Belli, and in regard ofthe end thereof, which is Beth reconciled, andbrought unto God. es4 knowledgewhichIafeth knowledge, a knowledge which bringeth fulneffewith it, even all the fulneffe of god, a knowledge fo excellent, that all other humane excellen- cies are hat dung in comparifonof it. What Angell in heaven would trouble himfelfe to bulk his noble thoughts (whichhave theglorious pretence ofGod,, and the YE R SE 2. Fiebr.8.6, Hcbr.7. 18,19. R,on).8 23. PCL2.9. Tge Mala "anti ala7ra- aka ;.c) mrtidltor's. Grez.MR,Orl, EpheC3 8.