188 Theqlorieof the Well VERS E 2. A 1'in cIrithsw- o's pciivot Say ery Xe15-31, Gewri- photi.Grel 0rat. r. Per. 1.12,. *1-1/.41,r set cpitedv Oi TO TX- Xihug'eir, e r ;?.., 7.; eiCto aeic ZAS eihoyLe yegixix ;f.) t A), I,* TO eigicrun ipA1epec66 co.' fola4.Greg.Na Orat. ;. al* the joyes of heaven to fill them) with metaphyficall,or mathematical!, or philological! contemplations, which yet are the highefl delicacieswhich humane reafon doth fallenon to delight in ? And yet we -finde the Angels in heaven, with much greedineffe of fpeculation floope downe, and as it were turtle away their eyesfrom that exprefleffe glory which is before them in heaven, to gaze upon the wonderful! light, and bottornleffe myffe- ries of the Gofpell of Chrifi. In another learning a De- vill in hell ( themolt curledofall creatures) cloth won- derfutlyfurpaffe the greatefi proficients among(}' men; but in the learningofthe Gofpell,and in the fpiriruall re- velations and evidences ofthe benefits of Chriii to the ionic from thence,there is a knowledge which furpaffeth the comprehenfionof any angel! of darkneffe ; for it is the Spirit ofGod onely which knoweth the things of God. It was the devillifh flout of Indian the Apoflate again(} Chriflian Religion, that it was an illiterate rufli- citie, and a nakedbeliefe, and that true, polite learning did belong tohim and his Ethnick faaion ; and for that reafon he interdiaed Chrifilans the ufe of Schooles and humane learning, as things improper to their beleeving religion ( a perfecution efleemed by the Ancients as cruel as the other blondy maffacres of his predeceffors.) To which flander,though themoll learned Father might have jutily returned the lye, and givenproofes both in the canonicall bookes of holy Scripture, and in the pro- feifoursof that religion, of as profound learning, as in- vincible argumentation, and as forcible eloquence as in any Heathen Author ( for I dare challenge all the Pa- gan learning in the world toparallel the writingsof Cle- mens of Alexandria,Orken,lailin,Tertullinn,Cyprian, CAlinntim, Auguiline,Theoderet, Nazoanten, and the other champions of Chriflian Religion againa Genti- lifioe)' yet he rather choofeth thus to ltifvver, that that authoritie, which thefaith he fo much derided was built upon,