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I The qlorieof the cell. .,- upon, cameto the Ionic with more felfe-evidence, and invincible dernonfiration, thanall thedifputes ofreafon orlearningof Philofiaphiccould create. Though there- fore it were to the lewesan offence, as contrary`to the honour of their Law, and to the Greekes foolifhneffe, ascontrary to the prideoftheirreafon; yet to thofe that fayers, to convert (inners, to were perfea,it was anhidden and wifdome, yfierious able to convince the gain- comfort mourners,to givewifdome to the firnple, and toguide a man in all his wayes with fpirituall prudence ; I for, what ever the prejodice of the world maybe, there is no man a w if;:r man, nor more able to bringabout thole ends which his heart is jufily let upon, than bee who being acquainted with God in Chria by theGo- fpell, bath the Father of vvifedorne, the Treafurer of wifedomethe Spirit ofwifedome, and the Law ofwife- ' dorneto furnith him therewithall. It is not for want of fuFficiericie in the Gorpell, but for want ofrnore intimate acquaintance andknowledge thereofin us,that the chit- drenof this world are more wife in their than the children of light. Secondly , another glorious end andeffeaof the Go- fpell is to be a minifiration of Righteonfnefe, a publica- a tionofa pardon to the world, and that fo general!, that ' there is not oneexception thereinof any other fin than onely of the contempt ofthe pardon it felfe. And in this refpea likew re the Golpellexceeds in glory. Ifthe mi- t:Orationofcondemnation (faith'the Apr:ale) bee glory, nmcbmore doth the tninifiratson ofrieteoufnefe exceed in glary, a Cor.3 .9. It is the glory of a man to patfe by an offence, and the Lord proclaimeth his glory to LA/o- res, in that he troadforgitie tran!ereffion and *le, that is, multitudes of finnes, and finnes of all de-. grees, Ewa. 34.7. And thus the Lord magnifieshis Mer- cm, and thoughts towards fanners, above all the 'wayes and thoughts of men 3 even as the heavens are higher than I89 YE S E 2. Greg.2a Thiel,