190 VERSE 2. `Thegloneo:f the4o4 ell. than theearth,beeigure be can abtendantlypardon,or mul- tiply forgiveneffes upon thofewho forfake their wayes and turn tohim, Efay 55. 7, 8, 9. and therefore juai- lying faith wherebywe rely upon thepower of God to forgive and fubdue our finnes,is Paid to iiveglory toGod. Abraham flaggered not at the Prornife through unbe- leefe, but being firong in faith hee gave glory to God, namely, thegloryof his power and fidelity, Rm.+ao, Numb.20.12. 2I.Te [hal not bring tht,:t congregation into theLandwhich Ihavegiven them, faith the Lord to Moles and Aaron, becaufeyee beleevedme trot, to lantlifie mee in the eyes of the children of Ifrael,that is, to give me the gloryof my power and truth (for to fan6tifie the Lord of hoafts,fig- nifieth to glorifie his power, by fearing him more than men, and by relyingon himagainft the power andcon.. fedcracies ofmen, Efay8. i 1,13. And therefore in the fame argument touching the happinefleof theSaints,_ they fuller for righteoufneffe fake, or be reproehed for I Per.; 14,15. thename ofChriff : Saint Peter ufeth in one placefan- ! Pet.1.14. aifyingof the Lord inour hearts, and in another John 5.10. glori- fying him, of as termes equivalent ;) And therefore ofri- beleefe islaid to make Goda lyar, that is, to difhonour Gen.443 him, and to robhim of the gloryof his truth; Andde- fpaire to rob Godofhis mercy,and to make the guilt of finne greater than the power of God : And therefore murmurers, and unbeleevers are Paid to igmake, againfl god, and to grieve him, to tempt, to limit him, that is, to call into queflion the glory of his power and truth.Here- in then confiflethanother gloriouseffeel ofthe Gofpell of Chrift, that being aminifiration ofrighteoufne ffe, it is a glaffe ofthat power, truth, mercy, and fidelity of God, which by faith we refit upon, for the forgiveneffe and fubduingof finne. Thirdly, another glorious endof the Gofpell is to be aminiflrationand4kWoffifaftheminifiration of death I (faith theApofile) weregloriow, bow Adnot themini- firatios M178.18,19. 40.41.