The glorieof thegokell, firation of the Spirithe ratherglOrie ? z Cor.3. 6, 7, 8. The Lawalone by it felfe is towards (inners but a dead letter, onely the rule according unto which a manought to walke, not anyprinciple enabling him to walke. If Mofes alone fhould fpeake untomen, he could onely tell themwhat theyought to doe, hee could in no wife ena- ble them todoe it : nay, further the Law bathoccafio- nally from the fit-me of man a malignant propertie in it, to irritate and exafperate lull the more, to beget an oc- cafionall rage and fierceneffe in our nature. As the Sunne Ibiningon a dung- hill exhalech noyfomevapours, and maketh it flinke the more. But now the Gofpell by the Spirit doth not only teach, but helpe too, fbeweth us what weefhould doe, and givethus flrength to doe it; we doe notonely therein fee the glory of God, but are Vvithall changed into the fame Image, even fromglory to glory, that is,(as I conceive from that allufion to aglaffe) the glory of the Lord fhining upon the Gofpell, and from the Gofpell (liningupon our hearts, doth change them into the Imageofthe fame glory ; even as the glo. ryof the Sunne fhining upon a glaffe, and from that glaffe refle&ing on a wall, doth therein produce a more extraordinary image ofits owne light : fo thatthe Apo- files .770 A.E4112 is the famewith thelooets Jpeculo inMecanno, from the glory of the Goipell which is one glaffeofGods Image, there is fhaped the fame glory in the heart, which is anotherglaffe of his Image. This is that which the Apoille calleth the formingof Chrifi in the fonle, and the plantiogof it into the likeneffe ofhis death and refurre6bon. Fourthly, it is a glorious Gofpell the &oilcan:re theme. TheSpirit in the Gofpell doth convince not of righteotheffeonely, but of Judgement too; that is, the Spirit null ere&a throne in the hearts of men, ihall pull ilowne the princeofthis world,anddifpolreffe fhal enable 1=113 owne hearts to proceed like upright lodges with 191 VERSE 2. trodop (rum lex minandg im_ perat, hocfidei lexcredendo irn- petrat.-loge operam dicit Deus, Fac quod jubea; lige fidei diciturDeo, Du quadjubes. Aug. torn.3.1ib. de 'pun& lite- ra. COpp. I3.r9. z cor.3,1s, loh.16,:r.