I92 PE ft S E Eirt 43-;. Matth.tz.20. t Cor.xtql zCor.7./ t. Hof, 14.8. Efay 31.7. ier The lorie of thego§ell. with truthand with vitiory(which are twoof the prin- 1 cipall honours ofjuclgement) againft their owne lufis,to cenfure, to condemne, to crucifie them, though before theywereas deareas their ownemembers; to throw all cheiridols away as menfiruous rags, andto judge and revenge themfelves. Ephraimfhallfay, what have I to doe any more with idols In that day, faith the Lord, eve- ry' man floall call away hu idols of /liver, and his idols of gold,which your owne hands have madeunto youfor afin. I haveTurd) heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelfe : cAff- ter that Iwas turned, Irepented; and after that 1 wag in- flrio[led, Ifmoteupon mythigh. Thus the government of the Gofpell in theheart, makes a man fevere to fentence every finite, to hang up his Haman, his favourite lulls, to give up himfeife to the obedience of Chriti, and to have his converfation, his trading, his treafure, his privi- ledges, his freedome, his fellowfhip in heaven, as being now conflituted under the gracious and peaceable go- vernment of an heavenly Prince. Fifthly, it is a glorious Gofpell, in that it was to be a continuing minIfIration, and an Insmortallfeed. If that whichwas doneaway,faith the Apofile,romglorious ,nstoch more thatwhich remaineth inglorious, 2 Cor.3.11 .Now the Gofpell is able to preferve a manblameleffe unto the commingof our Lord jefus ; it will not fucCer a man to be fhaken nor overturn'd byall the powers ofdarkneffe ; there is arength enough in it to repell, and wifdome to anfvver all the temptations and affaults of the enemies ofour falvation:Ifthe world fct upon us with any temp- tations on theright hand, or on the left, with difgraces, perfecutions, difcomforts, exprobrations, be this was the man who made Godhis helpe, and would needsbe moreexcellent thanhis neighbours; the Gofpel furnifh- eth us with fore promifes, and fore mercies; this is an- Ewer fufficient againfi all the difcouragements of the world, I&low. whom Ihave belayed, 1 know that bee bath