Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

Theglorieof thego olemsawarsoncmnsa.00. 41010..msa..... hath overcome theworld, .1 knewthat he isable to keepe that which Ihave committedunto him, untie the laft day, and in the meane time the world iscrucified unto me,and I unto the world, that is,we are at an equall point of di- fiance and defiance,the world contenines me, and I am as careleffeoftheworld. ifwith pleafures,honours,and gilded bakes to draw us away fromGod, Faith in the eafilyovercommeth the world, for it giveth both the Promifes and firfl-fruitsof fuch Treafures as are in- finitelymore pretions and maffie than all the world can affoord ; the very reproches of Chrift (howmuchmore his Promifes, how infinitely more hisPerformances a the laa are farm greater riches, than the treafures o Egypt. The daily factifice ofa godly life, and the daily feafi ofa quiet confcience put more fweettieffe into the affliaions of Chrilt,than is in all the profits, pleafures or prefeiments of the world, being made bitter with the guilt of fume. IfSatan,or our owne reafonings (land up againfi the kingdome of Chrift in us, the Gofpell is a Bore-houfe which can furnifh us with armorie of all forts to repell them. Faith can quench fine darts, the weapons of the fpiric can captivate the very thoughts of the heart unto the obedience of Chria , no weapon which is formed againft it canprofper, and every tongue which rifeth upagainfl it in judgement,it fhall condemn, it is a tiaffe which can carry a man over any Jordan, and can fupport & comfort him in any fhadowofdeath. This is the honour ofthe Word that it doth not onely fanaifie men, butpreferve their holineffe in them. If it werenot for the treafure ofthe word in the heart every little thing would eafily turne a man out ofhisway, and make him revolt fromChMagaine. Howeafily would afflitlionsmakeus mifiruft Gods affection to us, and fo changeours untohim (for this is certaine, His Love to us U the originall ofour love tohim) make us murmure, re- pine, firuggle, fret under his hand, if in theGofpell wee 0 did I93 YERSE2.