194 VERSE 2. a9,9%. King.g.;3. Mal+14. Iohn room% A&20. 19, 3 2. The glorieofthegoffiell. awnewleaimwnew. malswwwwINNINNIM1111111... ........ did not looke upon them as the gentle correaions ofa Father, who loves us, as the pruning and harrowingof our fouler that they may bringforth more fruit ? Except thy Lam hadbeene my delight, [amid haveperilhed in mine affilatoN. My affli,ftion would havedearoied me, and made mee perifh from the right way, if it had not beene tempered andfanaified by thyWord.It wrought fo with that wicked king of Eitel, Beholdthu evil! isof the Lord, whatAmid(Waite span the Lord any longer ? whatprofit its there to walke hoonbly before him, or to afflia our felves before him, who will not fee,nor take knowledgeofit,but continue to be our enemie ? But the Gofpell teacheth amans heart to tea in God, Au- reth it that there ishope in Ifrael, and balme in Gilead, that theywhich beleeve fhould not make bane to limit, orto mil-confirmGod,but wakeforhis Salvation,which will ever come in that due time, wherein it 'hall beboth moil acceptableandmoil beautiful'. Againe,how eafily wouldTemptations over-turne the faith of men, if it were not daily fupported by the Word ? what is the reafon that the fheepe ofChrifl will not follow titan- gets, nor know their voice, that is, will not acknow. ledge any force, nor fubfcribe in their hearts to the con- viaion or evidence of any temptation vvhich would draw them fromGod, but onelybecaufe they heareand know the voiceofChrifi in his Gofpell, and feelea fpirit in theirowne hearts fettingto its feale and bearing w it- neffe tochat truth fromwhence thofe folicitations would feduce them ? The Apofile foretold the Elders ofEphe- fus at his folemne departure from them , thatgrievous wolves wouldenter inamongfithem,& thatfewofthem- /elves wouldarifejpeaking perver/e things to draw away dileiples after them. And the maine remedie which the Apofile gives them againft this danger was, Icommend you to God, and to the Wordofhisgrace which is able to 1%i/dye's:lop, arc.. Noting, that it is. the Word ofGod which