Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

ThePoTher ofthe Well. whichkeepethmen frombeing drawne away withper- VER S E 2. verfe difputes. And the fame intimation he gives them inhis Epalle unto them, Heegave fame Apoilles, and fame Prophet:, andTome Evangel:Ps, andTome andTeacher:..--That wehenceforthbeno morechildren, Epher.4. r r-r4. toffid toandfro, andcarriedabout witheverywindeofde- Urineby the fleight ofmen, andcunningcraftinefe,where- by they lye in waste todeceive. The more richly the word of God, in the love andevidence thereof; doth dwell in r TheC5,2r. anyman, and enable himto prove all things, the more fiecifaffly will hehold that which is good, and (land im- moveable againfl the Heights and folicitations of men. Againe, how eafily would our owneevili heart: gather a ruff and unaptneffe for ferviceover themfelves, if they were not dailywhet and brightned upon the LI7Ord of God. That onelyit is which fcrapeth away that lepro- fie andmoffineffe which our foules are apt to contra& out of themfelves. eAv mom may lofe all that bee bath zIoli.8.9 wrought, all the benefit ofwhat het bath done already, and all the flrength to doeany more, vilely by net abiding iain.r.23. 25. in theDolirisseofChri 1. Hee onely is no doer of the Word, who looketh in it as a man on a glaife, and pre- fend), forgetteth the image and flare of his confcience againe ; it is onely hee that continsieth therein, who is a doer oftheworke ' and bleffed in his deed. He that trea- fureth up the Gofpell in his heart,and laboureth to grow rich inthe knowledge thereof; cannever be turned quite out ofhis way, or become an Apollate from the grace ofChrifi. Lafily, it is aglorious Gofpell in regardofthole noble aridmajellicall endowments with which it gualifieth the loha Ionicofa ChriPian : for there is no nobility to thatofthe Gofpell. It giveth men the highefi .priviledge in the world to bee called the Some; of God, to bee kings and t Pet,s.9. Frithbefore him, to bea Royal 1prieflhood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, a nation ofpriells. Nothingdoth fo 0 a honour