Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

1 1' L 196 VE R S F. 2 Row.3,1A. I SaIT144.23. Luke a.3i. AMOS 8.7. irrueiwn144.- flper it/ay/in/NI/. Ron]. 11, so. Theglorte oftheqo ell. honoura land as tobee the feate of the Gofpell. It was the honour of the Iewes that unto them werecommit- ted the Oracles ofGod. Therefore the iiIrk5iscalled the Glory ofliras', and are thegloryofIfraeli and the ex- cellemy of Jacob , neither is thereany thing`elfeallowed a man to glory in faveoriel)? this that bee underflandeth andknoweth the Lord in his word. It putteth magna. nimity into the breads ofmen, high thoughts, regal! af- feaions,publikedefires and attempts,a kinde ofheaven- ly ambition todoe and togaine thegreatell good. The maimend, ofa Chrtilian areall highandnoble. The fa- vour of God, the fellowfhip of the Father and the Son the GraceofChrift, the peace oftheChurch; his ult.! fickeand negotiation is for heaven, his language theDi- ale&ofheaven, his ordera heavenlyorder ' innumerable companiesofAngels, and the fpirits of jufi men made perfeCt. Aholy man, who hath the fpirit ofhis minds raifed and ennobled by theGofpell, is an Agent in the fame affaires, and cloth inhis thoughts, defires, prayers, emulations purfue the fame high and heavenly ends, for theadvancement ofthe gloryofChrifisand demolifhing thekingdome ofSatan,with the blefl'edAngelsof God. His defires looke no lower than a kingdome,a weight of maffie , and moll fupetlative exceeding glory. That which other men make the utrnofi point even of their impudent and immodeil hopes, the fecular favours and dignities ofthe world, click putlowefl under their feet; but their vvings,the higher and more afpiring affeetions oftheir foule, are direCtedonely unto heaven and hea- venly things. They nofooner are placed in the bodyof Chrifi but they have publike fervices, fome topreach, fome todefend, all to pray, to pra6tife, to adorn the profeflion they have under-taken. For indeede every Chrifban hathhis talent- given him, his fervice injoyn'd him.. The Gofpell is a Depofitiom, a publike Treafure, committedto the ksepitigefeverlChrifitan, each manha. ving