The glorieofthe C.o/ ell. ving, as it were, a feverall keyof the Church, a feverall matt for the honour of thiskingdomedelivered unto him. As in thefolemne Coronationof the Prince everyPeere of the ReaIme bath his anion about the Throne, and with the touch of his hand upon the roiall Crowne de- clareth the perfonall duty of that honour which bee is called unto, namely to holdon theCrowne on the head of his Soveraigne, to make it the maimend ofhisgreat- neffe, to fludy, and by all meanes endeavour theeaa- blifhinent ofhis Princes Throne fo every Chriflian as footle ashehath the honour tobe called unto the king- dome, andpretenceofChrifthath immediately nomea- ner a depofition committed to his care than the very Throne and Crowne of his Saviour, than the publike honour,peace,vi&orie,and (labilityof his mailers king - dome. The Gofpell is committed to the cutiody of the Sifhops,and Paaors oftheChurch, to preach it. They are, as it were;the Heralds andFore-runners ofChria to prepare his way into the foules ofmen. To the cullody of the Princesand judgesof the earth todefend it, to be aguard about the perfon and truth ofChria, to com- mand the obedience, and to encourage the teachingof it. The Gofpell is the Law of Chrias Throne, and the princes of the world are the lions about his Throne, fit there to watch, and guard it againti themalice of ene- mies. And therefore it is recorded for the honour of Davidthat he fet in order the courfes ofthe Prieas, and appointed them their formes andviciflitudes ofService. OfSalomon that hebuik,adorned,and dedicated aTem- ple for Godsfolemne worfhip. Of Iefiah that bee made the people to ferve the Lord their God; Of Ezekiab, that he retlored the fervice, and repaired the Temple of God, that he fpake comfortably to the Levites , who taught the good knowledge ofthe Lord, that hee pro- claimed a folemne patreover, thatbee ordered thecour- fes ofthe Prieasand Levites, that hagave comrnande- 0 3 ment 197 VERSE 2. TiCIA.I.r4. Z. z. Chro.34.33. 2 Chr0.29,3 30.1.22. 31.2,3,4.