198 )VERSE 2. E4feb,de vit. Conuantini,li. 2. cap.. 3 7,3839. Aci.13,16 Rudev.3 Ther.2.15. ACta 3.45. 18 A. z Thef2a. ACI.4,8-11,r 3, 19. The glorieofthegoffiell. 111.1100.10.001111. ilm110simsoo ment concerning the portion oftheir due maintenance, that theymight beencouraged in the Lawof the Lord (a pattern worthy the admiration and imitation of all Chriaian princes,in fpight ofthe facrilegiousdoctrine of thole menwho would fob them of that power andof- fice whichGodhath given them for the efiablifhment of his Gofpell, and it was imitatedby the fira Chriflian Prince that ever the world had.) Laftly, the Gofpell is committed to the keepingof ever y Chrifiian to praaife it, toadorne it, to pray for it, to be valiant and contagi- ous in his placeand fiation for the truth of it. And for a man to neglect thee duties is to betray and dithonour the Kingdome of Chria, and to degenerate from that high and publike condition in which God had placed him. Againe,it putteth a fpitit ofFortitudeandboldneg'e in- to the hearts ofmen. Boldneffe to withfiand the cor- ruptionsofthe times,to walke contrary to thecourfes of the world,toout-face the finnes and the fcornesof men, to bevaliant fora del-piled truth or power ofreligion,not 1 tobe afhamedof a perfecuted profeflion, to fpreadout contra torrentens brachia, to (land alone againfl the pow- 1 er and credit ofaprevailing faCtion, as Paul again(' the contradietionof the Icwes, and Peter and John againfl a Synodeof Pharifes, and thole invincible champions of Chrift, iltharialimi again!} the power ofCoeimago ,the frequent fynodicall conventions of countenanced here- tiks,and the general! delugeof Arrianifme in the world. tRinbrofeagaintl the wrath and terrour ofthe emperour of the world, to whom, having imbrued his hands in much innocent blond, that holy Father durfi not deliver the blond ofChM. Cbryfogame again(' the pride and perfecution ofthe Einpreffe Eudoxa. Luther againfl the mama of fornications, the princeife oftheearth, and as himfelfe profeffed, if' it had beene poffible, againa a whole citty full of divels. The Chriaians of all ages againfl