I `the`o'erofthe Well. againfl the fire, fury, and arts of torment executed by the bloodyperfecutorsof the Church. Nay finther,the Gofpell giveth boldneffe againft that univerfall fire which (hall melt the Elements, and flrivell up the hea- vens like a roleofparchment ; ficrein,faith the Apotile, is our love madeperfet ,that we may have boldnetre in the r loh.4. 17. dayofjudgemenaecasfeas he 4,fa we are in this world ; that is ,yvehave his image inus, and his love flied abroad in our hearts, and therefore wee are able to allure our hearts before him,and to have confidence towardshim. Now he who hathboldneffc to (land before God , to dwell with confutning fire, and with everlafling bur- nings ; who can get the Lord onhis right hand, and put on the Lord -lefus, though he bee not out of the reach, or beyond the blow, yet is het above the injurie of the maliceof men, they may kill, but they can never over- come him. lam he that comfortethyori,who art thou(faith Efai.0.120 3. the Lord) that thou giouldefi beafraidofa man thatfhall dye, andforgetteft the Lord thy Maker0c?What an in- vincible courage was that of Eliab, which retorted the flander of Ahab upon his owne face : I havenet troubled iKing.18.18. Ifrael, but thouand thyfathersbottle ? And that ofMi- caiab, againfl the bafe requeft of a flatteringCourtier, who thought God to bee fuch an one as himfelfe, that wouldmagnifie andcry up the endsofa wicked king, As ing.zz.14. the Lordliveth, what the Lordfaithunto me, that will I #eake. And that of Amos again'} the unworthy infiru- eions of 4rnaziab, the prieft of Bethc1,7houMej . pro- phefie not againfl Ifrael,anddrop not thy words apinfi the Amos 7,16',17. bottle ofI faac ; therefore thus faith the Lord, Thy wife 'hall beanharlot in thecitie,and thyfennes and thy daugh- tersfhallfallby thefword, and thy land !ball be dividedby line, andthou /halt dye isapolluted land, and Ifrael fball farelygee into captivitiefortb ofhis land. And that of Ieremiah, who boldly gave the lye to 1r0h thecaptainc of theward ; It is falfe, ffallnot away to the Caldeans. 0 4 The 199 VERSE 2.